Leadership involves continuous learning as you trail blaze through challenges.
Are you tired of spinning your wheels without gaining any progress?
Does it feel lonely at the top and that no one understands your challenges?
Do you need a thought partner to test your ideas or need someone to challenge your assumptions?
Do you know what underlying factors are holding back your business? Is it time to do something about it?
It's time do something different. Growth occurs when there is a conscious effort to address constraints and challenges. This may mean having difficult conversations, trying new things that are uncomfortable for you, or taking risks.
Most of the time you know what to do but it's hard to take the first step. Coaching is a confidential sounding board for you to explore and examine your thinking and actions to better understand what changes will make a difference. It can give you insights into how to face challenges, take action, and get results.
As a professional coach, I will help you understand your leadership style, identify key competencies to develop, practice, and debrief to speed up your business growth and performance. I offer individual attention to help you think through your next big step and to break it into manageable pieces.
We focus on building skills to enhance their leadership abilities by creating awareness of your leadership presence and imagining the possibilities for your business, organization, society or community that you serve. We work to further enhance your communication, execution and influencing skills.
An investment in your leadership:
One-on-one coaching to create a plan to achieve your intended business results and determine the key areas that will make the most impact.
Determine ways to generate feedback from you staff, peers, and customers on areas where you and your business can better compete in the market, address existing and new concerns, and provide your product or service in new ways.
Personalized program that will focus on developing in specific areas such as goal setting, having difficult conversations, delivering results, determining new opportunities, motivating others, and navigating change.
An optional WorkStyle Patterns inventory to provide insights into how you prefer to and then actually perform your thinking and doing of work.